‘GBPA VOLUNTEERS’ – Newly elected team of officers pose along with GBPA-Vice President, Ginger Moxey (center). Pictured (from left to right): Sergio Armaly, Sergeant at Arms; Shenae Albury, Treasurer; Kendra Clarke, President; Moxey; Rhandrea Fox, Vice President; Sarah Cooper, Social Officer; Alexandrea Beckles, PR Officer; and Kara Cartwright, Secretary.
Freeport, Bahamas – Employees of The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA) have launched a new organization, ‘GBPA Volunteers’, to better the lives of the Grand Bahama community.
According to newly elected president, Kendra Clarke, the group’s formation was the brainchild of GBPA-President, Ian Rolle. “GBPA Volunteers is an organization, envisioned by our President, as a means of giving back to the community. Its sole purpose is to cultivate corporate social responsibility in the form of employee volunteer projects,” explained Clarke.
GBPA VOLUNTEERS’ – Newly elected team of officers pose along with GBPA-Vice President, Ginger Moxey (center). Pictured (from left to right): Sergio Armaly, Sergeant at Arms; Shenae Albury, Treasurer; Kendra Clarke, President; Moxey; Rhandrea Fox, Vice President; Sarah Cooper, Social Officer; Alexandrea Beckles, PR Officer; and Kara Cartwright, Secretary.
While participating in the election process, GBPA-President, Ian Rolle expressed his excitement regarding the project. “I think this is great! I shared the vision for this organization with our employees and they ran with it. The staff is excited and they’ve already beg un to share ideas on the types of community projects they want to see happen…..their turnout and support of this new organization speaks volumes that GBPA and its staff are committed to the communities of Grand Bahama”.
GBPA Volunteers is comprised of both management and employees, but is led strictly by employees. It was this unique feature which propelled over 150 staff members to participate, becoming financial members in order to vote in the election of officers.
GBPA employees, including President – Ian Rolle (third in line), turned out in full force to cast their vote for a new team of officers elected to head the newly formed ‘GBPA Volunteers organization, whose mandate is to assist the needy in the Grand Bahama community.
“This will definitely be a wonderful experience for all of us, allowing employees the opportunity to positively impact the communities in which we live, while demonstrating our company’s mission of “…bettering the lives of the Grand Bahama community…,” Clarke added.
Some 20 GBPA employees vied for electoral positions, with official elections held at the Sir Charles Hayward Children’s Library. After an intense campaign and a full turnout by voters, official election results revealed a close race for presidency and social officer, with greater margins in other contested positions.
After hours of voting and tallying into the late evening, final results were confirmed by General Counsel, Tyrone Fitzgerald assisted by Hadassah Swain, Legal Counsel, Nicola Elliot, Legal Secretary and Gwenique Musgrove, Senior Financial Analyst.
Newly elected officers of the ‘GBPA Volunteers’ include: Kendra Clarke, President; Rhandrea Fox, Vice President; Kara Cartwright, Secretary; Shenae Albury, Treasurer; Alexandrea Beckles, PR Officer; Sergio Armaly, Sergeant at Arms; and Sarah Cooper, Social Officer.
In congratulating the newly elected board, GBPA Vice President, Ginger Moxey reminded them, “You have been mandated to lead the way with innovation and true service to our brothers and sisters by undertaking various projects to improve our communities. We know that you are all committed and will serve with excellence.”
Responding on behalf of the new team of officers, Clarke heartily thanked fellow employees for their overwhelming support of the company’s newly formed organization. “I am humbled by being chosen to serve as president of the ‘GBPA Volunteers’. To be the best, a team has to be comprised of the best and GBPA employees have done a remarkable job in their selection of officers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Rolle for his vision and we are ready to assist the community in anyway that we can,” she added. “Let’s make it happen!”