Sixteen intrepid cyclists battled headwinds and hangovers in the Freeport Rugby & Football Club's 50 mile bike ride fundraiser.
FREEPORT, Grand Bahama -- Sixteen intrepid cyclists turned out for the Freeport Rugby & Football Club's annual 50-mile bike ride fundraiser on Sunday, March 21st, 2010, many braving not only the windy conditions but hangovers from the Humane Society's Animal House party the night before.
Departing from Taino Beach at 8am the group headed to the Casuarina Bridge where a rest and snack stop had been set up featuring fruit, water, and home-baked cookies. A few of the heroes passed the stop but most enjoyed the break before crossing the bridge and fighting the headwind towards Barbary Beach, passing most of those who had elected to skip the rest stop.
After Barbary it was a push from the tailwind as the group returned to the bridge for more fruit, cookies, and a bathroom break at that lovely rest stop. Again, a few heroes elected to skip the stop and pressed on back towards Barbary again. Now this is not a race, it is meant to be a fun fundraiser pedal-fest, however there are always riders who want to see how fast they can cover the 50 miles.
By now there was only one rider well out in front and another who decided to give chase since the group had adopted a more leisurely pace. The chase took well over 10 miles but eventually the lead fellow was caught and the gal finished first, returning to Taino Beach after covering the 50 miles in 2 hours and 48 minutes. More importantly though, a great time was had by all and funds were raised to continue the many excellent sports programs offered by the Rugby Club.